Chemotherapy is a challenging process, and it affects everyone differently. How your body deals with chemotherapy depends on various factors like the type and stage of cancer you have, your general health before you started chemotherapy, and your medication doses. The medications that you will be asked to consume may have certain side effects. This is why it is essential to stay strong physically and mentally during the process of chemotherapy in Mumbai.

Dr. Suresh Advani is one of the best chemotherapy doctors in Mumbai and shares his expert tips to stay strong during chemotherapy in this blog.

  • Alter Your Lifestyle To Cope With Chemotherapy

Most patients that undergo chemotherapy in Mumbai face the problem of fatigue. There is more than one reason for fatigue like anaemia condition, some sort of infection or dehydration. The patient can perform light exercises like yoga or walking to keep her body active. Make sure you try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and proper diet and rest as much as you can to cope with the stress of cancer and chemotherapy.

  • Eat Smaller Meals Frequently And Take Medications Properly

Patients going under chemotherapy often experience nausea. The best chemotherapy doctor in Mumbai may prescribe some anti-nausea medications to prevent and treat this condition. You can eat smaller meals multiple times a day to help your digestive system. Try to stay away from food that has strong smells. Potato starches and pasta are preferred by some people. The idea is to not let your stomach get empty and keep your body hydrated.

  • Easy-to-digest Foods Are Your Best Friends

The common side effects of several chemotherapy drugs are diarrhoea. If this condition lasts more than a few days you may want to visit your doctor. You must seek medical attention if you notice blood in the diarrhoea, fever or other symptoms. You can prevent diarrhoea by sticking to smaller meals that are easy to digest like broths, bananas, apples, whole grain biscuits, noodles, eggs and yoghurt. Try to stay away from fried food, raw fruits and vegetables. Consume more liquids to maintain the water levels in your body.

  • Take Measures To Prevent Constipation

Heavy doses of medications, pain relief drugs and anti-nausea medicines can result in digestion problems. Talk to the best chemotherapy doctor in Mumbai about constipation and how you can prevent that from happening. Make sure that you consume about 8 to 10 ounces of water every day. Fruit juices and warm liquids are ideal choices as they are rich in fibre. Foods that are rich in fibre like fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain bread and cereals can be beneficial in preventing constipation. Make sure to keep your body active as much as you can.

  • Consider Wearing A Wig

Hair loss is one of the most upsetting side effects of this process. However, not all types of chemotherapy can result in hair loss. Talk to the best chemotherapy doctor in Mumbai and find out if the process that you need to undergo will result in hair loss. You can invest in good-quality wigs and even scarves to deal with hair loss. After hair removal, if you happen to step out in the sun unprotected, remember to cover your head with a hat or sunscreen.

  • Avoid infections

When your body goes through chemotherapy, the count of White Blood Cells (WBC) in your body can significantly go down. This will make you vulnerable to infections and viruses. Always wash your hands thoroughly and try to stay away from large crowds. Wash your fruits and vegetables properly and stay away from someone who is sick.

  • Take Measures To Cope With Mouth And Throat Sores

You can get painful mouth and throat sores from chemotherapy. There are a few mouth rinses available that you can use to coat and numb the sores to make swallowing food easier for you. In some people, baking soda and salt mix also work wonders. To numb the pain, you can also try sucking ice chips through a straw. Liquid dairy products that are cold or have a soft mouth feel can also coat your mouth. Stay away from harsh mouthwashes and foods that contain alcohol or acid. If the pain gets unbearable and causes hindrance to your daily activities, you must contact the best chemotherapy in Mumbai immediately.

  • Take Help To Cope With Memory Loss

Chemo brain or Chemo fog is a condition where the patients undergoing this process face problems in remembering things and concentrating. Chemotherapy can affect a person’s ability to think and remember and focus. You can ask for help from your loved ones to help you remember things like taking your medications on time and going about your day. Technologies like calendars, alarms and reminders can be your best friends. You can perform activities like puzzles, memory games and word games to keep your brain active.